Riding the Ghost


Mount Dora in the old days

The New Year started with my normal ritual. For all my life I have worked holidays. Sometime, many years ago, my wife and best friend decided they would go to new places every year for New Years and Vicki's birthday on the 3 January. After I retired I joined them on year in Apalachicola for New Year. It was not for me. They continued on their ritual and I would show up for the birthday. 

My ritual is on 31 Dec I get KFC and a fine bottle of wine and watch Pavarotti and Friends Concerts at full volume and and finish with Roy Orbison's Black and White album. There is a sign on the front day that says "GO AWAY" as this my solo day. It was a great time this year but I changed the wine to Prosecco as I recently went to a Champagne tasting and they served fried chicken with the most expensive bottle. I googled it when I got home and I found many articles recommending fried chicken with Champagne. None of those were in French.

I did invite Lady Di to join me.

Unbeknownst  to anyone I bought a new 2023 Vespa.  I have broke the red tradition and bought a white one. I think I am going to like it. However, nothing from the old Vespa's fit on the new one. I did modify a windscreen which required heating and bending, cutting and stacking extra washers on the mount. The Ram mount for the GPS I cut a piece of PVC in half and made a filler piece to make it work.

Now I am off to Mount Dora to join Vicki and Deb for the birthday celebration. Vicki I think is suspicious but no one else knows about the Ghost.