Aborted Oyster Tour.

 Jan 2

The Ghost and I left about 10 with the usual route north on the expressway until Spring Hill where exited and headed east to Mount Dora. The Ghost was a great ride as the weather. The only problem was I had done something to my back and it was beginning to bother me a little. I arrived in Mount Dora to the nice house Deb and Vicki had rented about three blocks from downtown. I spent two nights there and had a great time. The plan had been to go on up to Newberry and meet up with Bill and spend a few nights in the Wakulla State Park and ride back to St. Pete. This would give me the 600 miles I needed to take the Ghost in for it's warranty inspection. But as time passed the back got worse and I decided to abort.  We were all packed, Vicki and Deb to go home and me to go to Newberry. But the I decided that the back was to bad to continue and headed for home. Surprisingly the back did not bother me while I was seated on the scooter.

I am now home waiting for some medical expert, be it a surgeon, chiropractor or shamen.

A great ride up

Mount Dora had lights everywhere. Looked like a hallmark town

The birthday girl

This made it an official oyster tour